we are willing to assist you to
Enhance your Skills
Our principles fits for all arts and styles.
Start Now"After decades of studying Shotokan Karate, I found all the answers to my questions in Kyusho Aiki Jutsu. It is an honor and a real privilege for me to be able to study this special martial art under an even more special grandmaster like GM Toni Kauhanen. This kind of real Kyusho for me is more than just an exciting, fantastic and unbelievable journey ... I am incredibly proud to be a part and student of it ... I Will follow GM Toni forever and be his student ..."
“I have been training Traditional Tae Kwon-Do for over thirty years. I have been teaching it for over 25 years and I love it. The first things I learned from Kyusho Aiki Jutsu were things like, Two-Way Action, loosenes and softness. That certainly changed my perspective completely. But probably the most lasting was when Toni said to me in Finland, in Kyusho Aiki Jutsu you don't really have to learn and train a thousand techniques, you just have to understand the principle once, then the techniques explain themselves.
Seminars are to teach principles rather than techniques. Therefore, enthusiasts of different arts and styles can participate and develop their own skills. Previous experience in martial arts is not required as the seminars provide information for everyone. Whether you are interested in self-defense, body control, or developing your own skills, you are welcome to our seminars. An annual summer event in Finland - The Camp brings together enthusiasts from all over Europe.
Upcoming eventsPrivate or small group exercises focus on the things that are right for you. The exercises are held at the KAJ dojo. Private Lessons are available to anyone over the age of 18. At the first time, your level of knowledge and skills will be mapped out and a personal study plan will be designed. In the end of training session I give you so-called a homework assignment that allows for the continuous development of your skills. Even if you had private trainings a little less often.
Contact UsThe most suitable topic for you will be planned for the webinar, also taking into account whether you have a training pair available or not. The webinar lesson will be saved and will be available to you unedited as a digital memo. Due to the corona situation, contact teaching has been banned, so webinars are a very good way to maintain and develop your own practice, with the support of a teacher. The webinar can be held at any time.
Contact UsSome statistics...
Back in 1990's I met George A. Dillman for the first time at his seminar in Finland. That started long-lasting, study and research work. During this journey I have met several masters, and all of them have openly shared their principles and ideas.
Read moreOur qualified instructors are ready to assist you in your path.
InstructorsAug. 31., 2024 at 20 yrs celebration Sargans, CH
Iwan Zellweger, 4.dan
Michael Brand, 3.dan
Ramon Rankwiler, 1.dan
Ladina Müller, 1.kyu
Rob Robinson, 4.kyu
Congratulations for all new ranks!
Also in this seminar we are proud to announce a new associate from Germany. Team Erding has joined in the KAJ Int´l. They are hosting our seminar on october. We welcome everybody to join us in the seminar!.
Updated: 16.09.2023
Kyusho Aiki Jutsu
Dorsten, Germany
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Kyusho Aiki Jutsu
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Kyusho Aiki Jutsu
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Kyusho Aiki Jutsu
Erding, Germany
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Kyusho Aiki Jutsu
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